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Muj už druhý mlýnek Porlex mini. První verze má na hřídeli 6ti hran, tato plochou koncovku. ta je výhodnější že se nevysunuje při mletí. Vnitřek - keramika stejně kvalitní. Verze většího těla už není tak dobře skladná a pro mletí většího množství kávy není problém jej několikrát vysypat.
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Jul 10, 2019· The Porlex Mini has all the elements to become an excellent camping companion for campers that can’t start the day without a cup of java. I also forgot to mention that the Porlex Mini looks extremely good and has nice aesthetics, and personally I can’t separate from this grinder as I pack it even for my work trips now, deeply in love with ...
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The porlex does fit nicely into the aeropress for travel, if that's a concern. The nice build, materials and fit with the aeropress would be nice, but I don't feel like paying two times the price of a hario mini at the moment. Google "hario mini mill tape mod" Definitely will.
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Jan 28, 2013· Im having a hard time deciding which grinder to get and cannot find the information i need. First was the choice between Hario and Porlex which was hard but in the end i decided on Porlex. But now im stuck between the tall and mini. I like the fact that the mini almost completly fits inside the a...
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